Saturday, March 24, 2012

Stealing Posts, Part 2

In which I continue to borrow other volunteers' hard and hilarious blog work...

Leslie, a volunteer in my region of SAVA, just wrote a great post called "The Weirdness of being in Peace Corps". " Food. Never has it been so precious to me, and I am thinking it never will be again. " Ohhh, so true.

Katie writes wonderfully thoughtful and interesting stuff on her blog so it was hard to choose one, but "Tany Andalampandrosoana: Development in Madagascar" deals with a lot of the difficult issues we have to deal with and think about as we do aid work. Actually, I'll link to the great video she did of her site as well, since I haven't been able to upload videos. Like me, she's dealt with staring children, hauling water, overstuffed taxi brousses, and world map mishaps (Eastern Europe is way outdated on my mural as well, since the source material was so old, and I accidentally turned the Caspian Sea into a large unnamed country. Oops).

Kristen uploaded a video of something that happened to me and my mom as well: a tire falling off the brousse we were on.

If you find yourself craving Mad news after I leave the country (not long now!), never fear: there are lots of Mad volunteers blogging. Peace Corps Journals has a list.

1 comment:

  1. At least we got a ride and didn't have to go through it 2x.....
